Digitalisation, hybrid cooperation or generational change provide both leaders and employees with serious challenges. Together we will discover the answers to any questions and manage the change processes. Resource-oriented self-management and a team-wide position enable us to get the ball rolling in the application of relevant themes.
Many forms of collaborative work have developed over the years. Cooperating teams in varying locations or hierarchically changing team structures provide challenges, as do changes at management level, which often prove to be the start of a cultural change within the company. It sometimes feels as though no stone is left unturned and as a result it is all the more important to be able to control change-processes – for each and every employee, the team as a whole and the manager.
Together we will strengthen your team so that it can master upcoming changes. Being able to see change as an opportunity is very much dependant on inner attitude! Resource-oriented self-management enables you and your team to develop a common attitude and tackle relevant topics with full power. We make the most of both rational thinking and subconscious, emotional individual experience. The interaction of both systems makes it easy to be well prepared for change.
You probably know this quote, we are confronted daily with the fact that change is the rule - and not the exception.
What does that mean for you as a change manager - as the person responsible for change processes?
What does this mean for your employees, whose working environment is constantly being renewed?
Beide tun sich oft schwer. Sie nehmen Veränderung häufig als Bedrohung wahr, sie befürchten eine Verschlechterung ihrer Arbeitsumwelt und wollen sich nicht von Gewohnheiten verabschieden. Sie reagieren mit Angst und Widerstand.
Very often there is a lack of inner motivation for the necessary change - and thus of the willingness to go along with it. This is the main reason why around 70% of conventional change projects in companies and organizations fail.
In most cases, attempts are made to achieve motivation through facts and necessities, through intellectual arguments, exclusively rationally. Change managers often do not reach their teams because they shy away from dealing with the emotional world or consider it irrelevant. Exactly this confrontation with fears and resistance is often the basis for the development of intrinsic motivation - the ideal basis for successful change processes!
This is why the “COMPANION Change Leadership–Training” is dealing with
When attending the “COMPANION Change Leadership Training” you gain
How can employees with their negative feelings be taken seriously and effectively supported so that they can change their attitude, attitude and willingness to embrace change. ("Change-Leadership")